Walk Carrboro

Posts Tagged ‘Buy Local’

Why “Walk” Carrboro?

Did you know that Carrboro is considered “The Paris of the Piedmont”?

MORE QUESTIONS: Did you know Carrboro was rumored to be a living destination for the Gosselin family from Jon & Kate Plus 8? (GLAD WE DIDN’T GET CAUGHT UP IN THAT DRAMA) Or did you know that when consumers 16 years or older spend $200 or more in Orange County, then local sales rise to about $500,000 in sales tax revenue that can fund as many as 10 local police officers or teachers? WE KNOW! WHEN YOU BUY LOCAL you help preserve the unique character the Carrboro community has to offer.

Business trends throughout the country show that small communities truly benefit from their local shops, and customers find better value in those shops as well. There is nothing more personal (unless it’s a bear hug from your grandmother) than to shop at a local store that sells things that you won’t be able to find anywhere else, and has employees that will most likely be able to remember your name on your next visit.

Plus the jobs that your dollars support in these stores STAY in the community,  which doesn’t happen with major national chains that consolidate suppliers elsewhere.  And the profits stay local amongst the owners who are more invested and interested in spending for the community. So the next time you are “Walking” Carrboro, stop by a local shops or restaurants and see what it has to offer.

It’ll be an experience you cannot find anywhere else, literally.

Check out what Businessweek has to say on the importance of buying local.

And the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber Buy Local campaign.

You are currently browsing the Walk Carrboro blog archives for May, 2010.